Thursday, February 27, 2014

No matter what...

We've challenged our congregation to get into "Life Journaling" a plan that includes reading a predetermined set of scripture for the day and then journaling with the acronym "SOAP" in mind.  
S - scripture  O - observation  A - application and  P - prayer.  I am really not much of a journaler.  It's cumbersome and simply an obligation.  So hopefully this can aid in being obedient and *joining in the church to be in the word and journal and yet not feel self-condemned by it because I don't like to do it....AT ALL!

So below for as often as I can, I'll be recording my SOAPS here.  Maybe you'll read them, maybe you won't (probably the later) but yeah, here we go!

S:  Luke 4:40-41 (NLT) - As the sun went down that evening, people throughout the village brought sick family members to Jesus.  No matter what their diseases were, the touch of his hand healed everyone.  Many were possessed by demons; and the demons came out at his command, shouting, "You are the Son of God!"  But because they knew he was the messiah, he rebuked them and refused to let them speak.**

O:  No matter what.... their diseases were, the touch of his hand healed every one.  He's a healer of matter what it is. Physical healing, spiritual healings, etc... it says he touched them and they were healed.  People throughout the village brought sick family members to Jesus.  He cast out demons and they declared him as Lord!

A:  What sick family members am I bringing to Jesus?  Who am I bringing to be touched by Jesus because I know and have seen his power at work?  The demons leave and declare He is Lord...He's the ruler and all things bow to his loving touching!

P:  Lord, help me to grow my faith, my expectations, my willingness to accept your healing for myself and for others.  Lord you heal no matter what  so let me take you at your word.  May your power raise our ability to believe and trust you for things that are naturally impossible and super-naturally not!  I love you!  In Jesus Name, Amen!

*I am not following the specific "Life Journal Plan" in the Life Journals or on YouVersion, but will be following other plans that I'll resource for you as we go.

** This is from the New Testament in 60 Days YouVersion Plan in the NLT version

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